Schuerman Business Consulting (SBC) offers first class Hospice Billing Training to meet the reimbursement needs of your Hospice Agency. Inexperienced or improperly trained Hospice billers can create cash-flow issues for the Hospice agency, due to claims being delayed before being paid or denied completely. If your Hospice billing personnel do not understand the billing complexities and their impact on the billing process, the hospice agency may be accused of Fraud or abuse. As government auditing of the hospice billing practices increases, it becomes even more problematic not to understand the hospice billing law. Without the correct hospice billing training is almost impossible to maximize your hospice agency’s potential and limit your risk.
During our Hospice Billing Training, our highly knowledgeable and very articulate trainers, can show you how to maximize your hospice billing collections. Our trainers have years of real life Hospice Billing experience, and are not just merely reading from a text book. Ask our trainer a question that has not been covered and chances are they will be able to answer from their experience. If they do not have the answer, they will be able to get the answer for you.
SBC training sessions can be customized from the beginner biller to the experienced biller that needs some refresher training or in need of more complex situation discovery. At the end of the first section of training, all billing staff will know the following:
- How to use the HIQA/HIQH to look for hospice eligibility
- How to determine benefit period information for certifications
- How to determine current episodes of care for the new tiered payment system
- The difference between a Medicare Replacement HMO and an insurance that creates a potential MSP situation.
- The basics of submitting the Notice of Election, Notice of Change, and when Notice of Termination/Revocations is needed
- When you can apply for an exception to the 5 day NOE rule, and how to bill for that exception.
Beginner billers would then begin to discover the bigger picture of how hospice services follow through to hospice billing. “How does the hard work the field staff does show on my billing?” We would discuss the certification/recertification scheduling and process, the required related face to faces visits, and how that is reflected on the actual bill, along with the staff visits by Hospice Aides, RNs and LVNs, and Social Workers. More experienced billers would also be able to explore many of the more complex billing pieces like Medicare or Medicaid as a secondary payer, adjustment claims, transfers, Medicaid room and board.
SBC can also aide your hospice agency in setting up procedures that will flow through to your billing processes. An example is the Notice of Election 5-day submission requirement.
You will need a process to gather the correct data from multiple sources in a timely manner and provide to your billing staff in order for them to meet the submission deadline. Also, if your agency is on manual charting, we can help you set up a schedule to track the visits made that can be used both to track clinical compliance with care plans, as well as give you the required visit information to place on the claim so you don’t have to duplicate your efforts.
Any agency who needs a helping hand with Hospice Billing Training or need to outsource their Hospice Billing need to contract Schuerman Business Consulting.